Ensuring secure cookies with URL Rewrite

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In this article, we will take a look at secure cookies, that is by appending an additional modifier to the Set-Cookie HTTP header.

This article extends my previous article by using an outbound rewrite rule again.

What are secure cookies?

As the name suggests, by appending secure to the Set-Cookie HTTP header, we instruct a browser to only send the cookie when the connection to the web server is secure. This helps protect against any information leakage or eves-dropping.

For more information, checkout Scott Helme’s incredible post on getting tougher cookies.

Ensuring our cookies are marked secure with URL Rewrite

As per the snippet in our previous post, we are going to create an outbound rule (which lives under system.web > rewrite > outboundRules in our web.config). This rewrite snippet requires two portions, the rule and a set of preconditions:

        <rule name="Ensure secure Cookies" preCondition="Missing secure cookie">
            <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern=".*" negate="false" />
            <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; secure" />
            <preCondition name="Missing secure cookie">
                <!-- Don't remove the first line here, it does do stuff! -->
                <add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="." />
                <add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="; secure" negate="true" />

Within our rule, we are defining the name of the rule which can be viewed inside of inetmgr (IIS Manager). Next, we match the server varible for a Set-Cookie HTTP header (RESPONSE_Set_Cookie) and ensure that it’s present for us to continue. For our action, we rewrite the Set-Cookie header to be the original value, with the secure modifier appended.

Within the precondition, which is matched by name to the preCondition attribute in the rule, we do two things:

  • (I think, see below) Make sure that the Set-Cookie header has been set (via the server variable {RESPONSE_Set_Cookie});
  • Make sure that we do not already have the secure modifier set

As per my previous post, due to a knowledge gap, the first line is required within the pre-condition or funky things happen.

That’s it. If you check your debug tool of choice after implementing this, you should see that all cookies are now sent with the secure modifier.

Stuart Blackler is a seasoned technologist with over 15 years of commercial experience in the .NET ecosystem. Holding a degree in Computer Science, Stuart has earned certifications as a C# developer through Microsoft and as an AWS Solutions Architect and Developer. Stuart is the creator of the popular YouTube channel CodeWithStu, where he delves into topics close to his heart, including .NET, AWS, DevOps, and software architecture with a commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering a community of learners.