2014 Articles

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If you’re not up-to-date, you fall behind. You fall behind in your work, which leads you to fall behind at home. If continued, it’s a never ending circle that can seem like climbing Everest in order to overcome. I propose that we, as developers, start doing is utilizing our free time to help not only ourselves but our co-workers too. We can do this via dev lunches.

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MSMQ is Microsoft’s Message Queuing service that can be used to implement both synchronous and asynchronous solutions. Typically solutions are architectured using the available C++ API’s or via the relevant COM objects. The .Net Framework exposes the System.Messaging namespace which contains all the classes that you need to work with the MSMQ API.

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Message queues are a substantial part of modern day enterprise architectures and a vital part of providing scalable solutions. They are designed for asynchronous communication between different parts of the system. They help scale individual components of a system and increase reliability with the optional addition of the persistence of messages to a storage system.

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Today I just wanted to share a quick note regarding a Stack Overflow answer that I recently came across. In the answer the author explains that a call to Expression.CanReduce will typically return false, while Expression.Reduce() will return the current expression. The author continues to state that one of the types that overrides Expression.Reduce() and Expression.CanReduce is MemberInitExpression.

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Today I wanted to cover something that is not often covered when unit testing an object. If an object has the Equals method overridden, then there are a number of tests that we should be running as a minimum:

Stuart Blackler is a seasoned technologist with over 15 years of commercial experience in the .NET ecosystem. Holding a degree in Computer Science, Stuart has earned certifications as a C# developer through Microsoft and as an AWS Solutions Architect and Developer. Stuart is the creator of the popular YouTube channel CodeWithStu, where he delves into topics close to his heart, including .NET, AWS, DevOps, and software architecture with a commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering a community of learners.