Setting Up A Repository Template In Github For K6

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In my previous article, we took a look at setting up a template repository for our .Net projects. Repository templates can massively help with the consistency and startup speed of a new project. In this article, we will take a look at a different repository template that I’ve been using for work for running our performance tests.

For our performance tests, I generally use K6 which if you’re unfamiliar with it, is a simple and easy to use Javascript library for writing simple performance tests such as load tests, spike tests and soak tests. To give you an idea of what you can do with this, I’ve used this setup to automate load tests in an Octopus Deploy pipeline by running an ECS task post-deployment. You could also trigger nightly performance tests and have the results posted to Slack if you wanted as well.

Here is an overview of what the repository template looks like at the time of writing:



The template contains a number of different folders for different purposes:

  • lib: javascript extensions that are common to all scripts that are run
  • options: contains the k6 options such as duration, target virtual users etc
  • services: contains the urls and other service specific settings

Logically splitting out the options and services allows us to run the same set of tests against different url’s (service settings) and different styles of performance tests (option settings).


In the template, I have a single k6_extensions.js file, though you could easily split out the file into multiple if it grows significantly or depending on your needs. The core functionality this file provides is:

  • parseResponse - a simple function that checks for a 200/201/202/204 response code. If the check fails, a message is logged to console and the error rate counter incremented.
  • errorRate - this is a counter that’s incremented by the parseResponse function, used as a threshold in the options settings (detailed below)
  • loadOptions - a helper for loading a file from the options directory
  • loadServiceConfig - a helper for loading a file from the services directory and adding the execution environment from the command line
  • withHeaders - sets up the header collection ready for use in the scripts
  • merge - simple JS object merge utility function

To use the functions, we add import { <comma separated function names> } from "./lib/k6_extensions.js"; to the top of our load test file, replacing <comma separated function names> with loadOptions, parseResponse, loadServiceConfig, withHeaders for example.


Each file under the options folder is designed to control the execution of the K6 runtime. For example, for a soak test, you might want to restrict the maximum requests per second to save on costs. It can also be used to set the thresholds for success/failure and other K6 options.

Here is an example of a soak test that runs for 4 hours in total:

    "stages": [
        { "target": 400, "duration": "2m" },
        { "target": 400, "duration": "3h56m" },
        { "target": 0, "duration": "2m" }
    "thresholds": {
        "errors": ["rate=0"],
        "http_req_duration": ["p(95) < 750"],
        "http_reqs": ["rate>=500"]
    "rps": 2000,
    "batchPerHost": 0


A service file indicates the base url for a given service. It can be extended with other information if you wanted, such as a client id specific to that environment. The environment is selected by the K6_HOSTENV environment variable that is supplied to the command line execution. The format of the files are:

- environment 1
  - baseUrl
  - Setting 1 for environment 1 (optional)
  - Setting 2 for environment 1 (optional)
- environment 2
  - baseUrl
  - Setting 1 for environment 2 (optional)
  - Setting 2 for environment 2 (optional)

Here is an example of a service config:

    "local": {
        "baseUrl": "https://localhost:5001"
    "qa": {
        "baseUrl": ""


The TEMPLATE.js file is your quick start for writing the tests, simply copy and paste this and being writing the tests. There are a few todo’s for you to complete in the file, including:

  • Setting the options file to use
  • Setting the service file to use
  • Updating the tests to point to the correct url’s by appending to the base url

Each web request that is run calls the parseResponse function I mentioned earlier to automatically parse the result of the web call and increment the error counter if appropriate. The template file in the repository will run against the K6 test website, with a successful and unsuccessful call so that you can see what happens in both scenarios.

Running with Docker

To run the tests with docker, we need to run the following commands (which is encapsulated by the run.ps1 file in the template):

docker build -t test .
docker run -it -e K6_HOSTENV=qa -e K6_SCRIPT=TEMPLATE.js test

This copies all of the files into the docker image, so you can use the same image with different execution values at runtime. We set two environment variables that control the execution:

  • K6_HOSTENV - this selects the right section from the service config file from the loaded script.
  • K6_SCRIPT - this tells K6 which script to run when the container is started.

Please note that the environment variables are case sensitive. By using K6’s check & threshold functionality in the template, if there is a failed request, the K6 process will exit with a non-zero exit code, which is also returned out through the container as well. This can be very useful in scripted scenarios.

Now that you’ve got an overview of how the repository is setup, you can copy it and make it your own. It would be great to see what you do with your repositories!

Happy performance testing!

Stuart Blackler is a seasoned technologist with over 15 years of commercial experience in the .NET ecosystem. Holding a degree in Computer Science, Stuart has earned certifications as a C# developer through Microsoft and as an AWS Solutions Architect and Developer. Stuart is the creator of the popular YouTube channel CodeWithStu, where he delves into topics close to his heart, including .NET, AWS, DevOps, and software architecture with a commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering a community of learners.

More in the 'Repository Templates' series:

  1. Setting Up A Repository Template In Github For K6 (This article)
  2. Setting Up A Repository Template In Github For .Net