Posts Tagged: development
Here you can find articles that have been tagged: development
Posts In 2015
Technical Debt: How We Get It and How to Avoid It (Article)
Published by Stuart Blackler on: 2015-08-05. Tagged:development
This post started as a rebuttal to Ralf Westphal’s blog and his post, “There is no such thing as technical debt”. There are many points of view on the subject covered by various people such as Uncle Bob and Martin Fowler, but I thought it might be insightful to show how my team manages our code base.
DevOps (Article)
Published by Stuart Blackler on: 2015-01-24. Tagged:dotnetdevopsdevelopment
As part of my role as a .Net Developer, I have recently been getting to grips with the build and deployment features of both Teamcity and Octopus Deploy. This has been making me think about the industry buzz word “DevOps” and exactly what that means.
Posts In 2014
Dev Lunches: What, Why, How (Article)
Published by Stuart Blackler on: 2014-12-17. Tagged:development
If you’re not up-to-date, you fall behind. You fall behind in your work, which leads you to fall behind at home. If continued, it’s a never ending circle that can seem like climbing Everest in order to overcome. I propose that we, as developers, start doing is utilizing our free time to help not only ourselves but our co-workers too. We can do this via dev lunches.